"Polka Palace Party" is a cowboy polka party-themed episode of The Backyardigans from the first season. This was recognized as the final official of the show to be produced in 2004. CharactersSummary"Yee Haw! Tyrone is a cowboy polka musician and can play the tuba very well. Sherman the Worman stops by to give Tyrone a VIP invite to his brother Herman the Worman's surprise birthday party at the Cheyenne palace up south in Wyoming. To get to the polka palace, the duo will have to cross the Cheyenne river, and some assistance comes from three more musical cow-pokes - Uniqua, Pablo, and Austin - and they help them out of some jams while simultaneously forming a band. But will they get to Cheyenne in time to rock the house polka-style?" PlotTyrone is in the backyard, on his porch, carrying a tuba. He sings "Dancin' the Worman Polka" and introduces himself to the viewer as Cowboy Tyrone. Sherman the Worman comes up, and Tyrone introduces him to the viewer. Sherman explains that it is his brother Herman's birthday and is going to Cheyenne, Wyoming, to give Herman a surprise party in the polka palace by sundown. The backyard transforms into a sandy western landscape. Tyrone walks until he comes to a canyon. He sees a cowboy playing drums on a raft in the river. Tyrone tries to get his attention, but the cowboy doesn't hear him. Cowboy Tyrone hears someone in trouble at a cliff: a cowgirl in a white hat carrying a clarinet is hanging from a branch sticking out of the mesa. Tyrone runs under her, and she falls into his tuba. The cowgirl gets out and introduces herself as Cowgirl Uniqua, a clarinetist. Tyrone asks Uniqua if she would like to play the polka at the polka palace, and Uniqua replies by telling him that her favorite music is the polka. She tells him she will play her clarinet while singing "Got to Love the Clarinet." The two come to the river and see the same cowboy on the raft Tyrone saw. They called out to him, but he still couldn't hear. Then they heard a sound coming from a horse stable. The three horses in the stable do not listen to their owner telling them it is feeding time and run away from him. Tyrone then blows his tuba, and the horses stop running. Tyrone and Uniqua tell the horses' owner that they will assist him and bring them to the corral. The three sing "Feeding Time" as the horses go to their meals and eat, and the owner takes out his accordion. The owner thanks Uniqua and Tyrone and introduces himself as Cowboy Pablo. Tyrone asks Pablo if he would like to play the polka with Uniqua and him at the polka palace, and Pablo tells him that he will. They come to the same river. They see the same cowboy playing the drums on the raft, floating on the river. They yell to him, asking if he could give them a ride, but the cowboy cannot hear them over the loud drumming. They play their instruments and get the cowboy's attention. He realizes he cannot stop and yells for help to stop his raft. Pablo uses a rope to grab the raft's peg and pulls it to land. The cowboy thanks them and introduces himself as Cowboy Austin. He invites them onto the raft. Tyrone asks Austin how he got on the raft, and he tells him that he was busy playing his drums and let the oar slip off. Tyrone then asks if he would like to play the polka at the polka palace party, and Austin says he will. They all coincidentally like to play polka and started to become a cowboy band called "The Ramblin' Polka Cowboys." They sing "Oh, My Sherman" until they come to the start of a waterfall. Tyrone tells the others to jump off the raft and onto land while putting Sherman in his cowboy hat. He counts to three, and they all jump onto the riverbank. The instruments are left behind and fall down the waterfall. The instrument players are dismayed and walk to the polka palace during the sunset. When they enter, they see many Wormans. They also see their surviving instruments on the stage. The cowboys became happy to see them again due to the strong Wormans taking them out of the water, drying them off, and setting them up. They thank them and run up to the stage. Sherman's brother, Herman, enters, and everyone yells, "Surprise!" The band begins playing and singing "Dancin' the Worman Polka" for Herman, which excites him. Tyrone's stomach growls, and Uniqua invites the others to her house for strawberries. The polka palace transforms back into the backyard as they all sing the ending song. They run into Uniqua's house for a snack. Tyrone opens the previously closed door and shouts, "Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip!" Roles
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