"'Robot Rampage: Part 1" is the first episode of the "Robot Rampage" duology of The Backyardigans from the fourth season. CharactersSummary"Robot Repairman Austin has an unexpectedly busy day in futuristic Mega City when all the robots go on a rampage set to roller disco! When the evil Professor Bug (Pablo) starts making all the robots malfunction, it's up to Repairman Austin to save the day in this double-length adventure!" PlotThe third and final duology episode starts with Austin exiting the fence dividing his house from the others' houses, and introduces himself as Austin, the owner of a robot repair shop. He asks his toy robot, Robot Roscoe if he needs any repairs. Roscoe answers with "All systems A-OK," and causes Austin to feel bad. He explains to the viewer that robots never break as he sings, "I'm a Robot Repairman." The repairman then starts walking off to Mega City, The backyard transforms into a large futuristic community where robots perform everyday chores and regular tasks. Austin and Roscoe enter a white building known as the repair shop. The phone rings, but instead of answering it, he goes crazy because someone actually called. Roscoe tells him to answer it, and he does. On the other end is Uniqua, saying her robot is on a rampage! Austin gets into his car along with Robot Roscoe and heads off to Uniqua's futuristic house. The two repairmen enter the house and see Uniqua's robot, Robot Reba, baking cookies wildly. Unbeknownst to them, an evil penguin professor watches them evilly. Uniqua says that she cannot even taste a cookie. They sing "Robot on a Rampage" as Austin attempts to reach Reba's control panel. He succeeds and shuts down the robot. A screw emerges, and unknown to them, the screw transforms into a robotic bug and flies away. Suddenly, they hear screams coming from outside. Tyrone's robot, Robot Ripley, is stealing all the mailboxes off the street. They sing "Robot on a Rampage" again until Ripley shuts down. A screw emerges, crawls under the truck, and flies back to the professor. The citizens and repairmen hear the professor laugh maniacally, but the professor slips away. Then there was trouble: they hear another shriek. Tasha's robot, Robot Racquel, is on a rampage in a car driving out of control. Austin jumps onto the floating car and shuts down Racquel, and catches a screw that comes out of her. They walk into town but realize that something's fishy. Then the evil professor appears on every screen in Mega City and explains who he is while singing "I Am Professor Bug." The citizens and repairmen try to escape, but the bugged robots surround the four as Bug watches from the giant screen and the mission continues in the second part. Roles
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