The third season of The Backyardigans aired from January 14, 2008, to September 16, 2010 in the US, and November 19, 2007, to November 27, 2008 in Canada. It contains 20 episodes.
The third season production was started from August 2007 to March 2008.
This is the last season:
To be exclusively broadcast in 4:3 fullscreen. The series was produced in 16:9 widescreen, but aired in fullscreen for unknown reasons. The series would be in available in 16:9 widescreen in Season 4.
To be available for Premium Subscription for Amazon Prime Video. Starting from Season 4, episodes were From $1.99 or just $1.99.
This season is available on Nickelodeon's video-on-demand service.
This season has been released to the Canadian iTunes store.
This and Season 4 are the only two seasons to not stream on Paramount+.
The intro has been reanimated again, slightly. This time, the floor during the second scene of the theme is shrunk a bit, and newer scenes during the last stanza kick off this season. These scenes, once again, tend to break the fourth wall.
This is the only season:
Where voice/singing actors are changed within rather than from the start.
The other four main characters (Pablo, Tyrone, Tasha, and Austin), except Uniqua, did not appear in every 20 episodes.
To not have Pablo appear in every episode, as he is absent in 1 episode: Chichen-Itza Pizza. As for this episode, this is the only Uniqua, Tyrone, and Tasha episode without Pablo and Austin.