"The Quest for the Flying Rock" is an Indiana Jones-style themed episode of The Backyardigans from the first season. This was marked as the first episode in the show to premiere in 2005. Characters
Summary"Uniqua, Tasha, Tyrone, and Pablo are brave, Indiana Jones-style explorers on a quest for the rare, legendary flying rock atop Big Rock Hill. In a frenzied disco dash through the jungle and the desert, they race each other to see who can make it to Stone Step Hill first and claim the prize." PlotOnce upon a time, there was Uniqua coming out the door and into the backyard, sitting on the picnic table, reading a large book. She introduces herself and tells the viewer about her book: the book is the legendary flying rock located on top of Stonestep Hill. If anyone finds it and chants a special spell, it will begin to float off the ground, carrying the traveler into the air. Uniqua takes out a map of Stonestep Hill and the locations around it. Tasha, Pablo, and Tyrone arrive and sit at the picnic table to see what Uniqua is reading. Uniqua explains how the book is the flying rock of Stonestep Hill, inspiring them to want to find it. The four sing "Flying Rock Song" as they practice saying a spell used to cause the rock to lift the holders into the air. The backyard transforms into a desert land on the side of a jungle. The four come across two paths to the hill: one through the jungle and another through the desert. They decide to split up into two groups: Uniqua and Tasha, who will take the jungle path, and Pablo and Tyrone, who will take the desert path. Uniqua, Tasha, Pablo, and Tyrone sing "Questing, Questing" as both pairs start to walk off. Uniqua and Tasha are trekking through the jungle. They walk far and come across some vines in their path. Uniqua tries to run through the vines but gets all tangled up in them. When Tasha sees Uniqua all tangled up and unable to get out, she tries to help her, but she gets all tangled up in the vines too. They struggle to escape but fail. After getting tickled by the vines, Uniqua comes up with an idea to shake the vines off while singing "Shake Your Body." They move on through the jungle after singing. Meanwhile, Pablo and Tyrone are questing through the hot desert. The boys have already walked far when they see tumbleweeds blocking their path, knocking Pablo and Tyrone over. The two decide to jump over and duck under the tumbleweeds to get across. They then come across a mound of sand. They start singing "Trudge, Trudge, Trudge" as they trudge up the mound. In the jungle, the girls come across an unsteady bridge leading to the hill. They take the risk of falling as they cross the bridge. They get to the end and congratulate themselves as they spot Stonestep Hill and run and giggle as they think about beating the boys. Back in the desert, the boys are still stuck, trying to get up the mound of sand. After Pablo spots a cactus, Tyrone gets a rope, ties it to a cactus on top of the mound, and climbs up with Pablo. They see Stonestep Hill. The boys giggle after considering the fact of beating the girls. The girls do the same on the other side of the hill. The four questers all laugh and run up the legendary hill until they meet and grab the rock simultaneously, fighting over it. Each team tells the other to let go, but then there was trouble: the rock slips out of their hands. It rolls off the edge of Stonestep Hill and bounces down the steps. It rolls onto the ground and then snaps in half, but they later put the two pieces back together and sing the spell, starting to float. They land back down. Uniqua asks Tasha how she feels after flying. Tasha's stomach rumbles, and she answers with "hungry." Tyrone invites them all over to his house for waffles. The three others accept as the hill transforms back into the backyard. They all sing the end song and enter Tyrone's house. Uniqua opens the previously closed door and shouts, "Float, flutter, fly!", and they all lived happily, safely, ever after. Roles